The lemon tree in the back garden of our house has surpassed itself this year. The harvest was absurdly rich, how many lemons can a man have in one winter. The biggest problem is the height of the tree, everything that hangs at the top is inaccessible. Unless the tree is severely pruned, so that it becomes smaller and more compact. So Noud went to work with the chainsaw, and I with the pruning shears to cut all the lemons, ripe and green, from the sawn-off branches. Cutting is important, because normal picking damages the fruit on the attachment with the branch, and causes premature rotting. The lemon harvest, so shortly before our departure, had to have a good owner. Who better than Nélia and Paulo of Bar Formiga, where the tastiest Poncha of western Madeira is made. Dignified use of our lemons! We quickly took a litre with us when we left for the airport. In the Netherlands, we arrived at Berendina (who also loves it) and had another sip of Pure Madeira in the form of Nélia’s and Paulo’s Poncha. Chim-Chim!
Once we finished the pruning, the lemon tree looked rather sorry. But it had to be done and we are sure it will survive and carry again.