Most people are coming here to enjoy their holidays. The culture in Madeira is usually not on top of the list. Many people who enjoy their holidays on a subtropical island like Madeira do not really realise that there is life beyond the list of typical attractions for tourism. Now that alone, in Madeira, is…
Author: Peter Groen
Peter was born in Amsterdam in 1949. He has a history in PR and copywriting. Now, part time resident of the Island of Madeira of over 10 years, he writes about Madeira, its culture, its overwhelming nature, its food and drink, and about everything concerning travel to and on this beautiful island.
covid-19 measures for Madeira
Updated rules as of May 15, 2022 Much to the relief of many, most covid-19 measaures have now been dropped in Madeira. The last rudimentary rule is, like in many places, about wearing masks There is no longer need to wear a mask in most places, with only a minimal number of exceptions. You still…
iconic voices and iconic places of Madeira
Over the months of April and May 2020, the great Madeiran performing artists have seen their income dwindle; hotels, theatres and other public spaces where they used to perform were forced to close due to the corona pandemic. No tourists and closed venues meant their work was put on hold. They have closed ranks and…
Almost free!
We are almost free. In a double sense: we are almost free to live the life we were used to and almost free as in Madeira is almost free of covid-19. Let’s start with the latter: the last two weeks showed no new cases of corona-infection, and every day more people that were infected –…
State of emergency lifted: the first week after.
The State of Emergency has been lifted now. Since last week, we have a little bit fewer restrictions, making our lives a little easier. But we are far from back to normal, though I keep saying that our lives here are still very relaxed compared to many countries in Europe, or even worldwide. The number…
Fake news and misinformation in corona times
Since we have to suffer the vainest and most useless US president the expression ‘Fake News’ has seen a lot of use. Or is it abuse? I think the latter. Fake news: since the orange idiot is mismanaging the United States the best definition of the expression Fake News would be: information that the reader…
An Easter of hope on Madeira. Corona seems under control
It’s Easter. A big thing in Portugal and on Madeira. People accept the extra measures, some grudgingly, but let’s be honest: it seems to work. Madeira seems to have Corona under control. In the week running up to Easter there were hardly any new infections, and the ones there were concerned people who had come…
Madeira quarantine: 3 weeks now, but life goes on…
The third full week of the Madeira quarantine is now behind us. The restrictions continue to be firmly in place: social isolation, no travelling unless for shopping, going to the bank or travelling for medical purposes and only leaving your home for physical exercise or walking your dog. Nothing really happens, we follow the developments…
Social isolation on Madeira: closer to you
Social Isolation is the flavour of the week where it comes to measures against the spreading of our very own modern time plague. Over the express roads, the matrix signs tell you Fique em Casa, stay at home. Police are patrolling and may ask you where you are going, where you live, will move you…
War and peace or a day on locked down Madeira: halfway through the first week.
Some readers like my articles. I like writing them. So here goes again. In these times between war and peace nothing much happens, it is down to the mundane things that determine daily life. Strangely, there is a veil of normalcy that covers the abnormality of everything going on. Since we can’t really go out…